5 Reasons to be a Pilates Teacher!

Are you thinking it might be fun to be a Pilates Teacher? Is Pilates something that helped you in some way and now you want to teach Pilates to do the same for others? Do you wonder should I be a Pilates teacher? What does it mean to be a Pilates teacher? How do I become a Pilates teacher? Is it being a Pilates teachers something I want to do full time or as an extra job? So many questions right?

I got into the fitness world when I was out of college and had started my job, which I had gone through college to get, and realized I was miserable. I didn’t love it. I dreaded going to work each morning.  I was making myself sick, emotions all over the place and I felt like that kid when you cry every morning, hanging on your Mom’s skirt screaming “ I don’t want to go to school!!!”I had always worked out and I found it to be my release, my recharge and happy time. So, when someone suggested why don’t you teach as a job, well at first I was like I can do that? It took me a while to find Pilates through the fitness jobs I had but, when I did it was just this lightbulb that went off for me. All the years of teaching aerobics, spinning classes, boxaerobics and more became secondary as I realized Pilates was helping me get my injured body back to moving pain-free. When potential Teacher Training students contact me asking about my Teacher Training Program many have their reasons for why they want to pursue Pilates as a career. They have lots of questions about certain aspects of that journey and I have found that they really go hand and hand with some of the reasons you would think of becoming a Pilates teacher. You can almost answer them yourself to give you that Yes or No should I go through the journey of becoming a Pilates teacher?

Here are my top 5 Reasons for becoming a Pilates teacher

  1. Flexibility for your schedule- Do you have kids? Taking classes or continuing your college, masters etc? Whatever your reasons for wanting to have a job that you can fit around other things in your life. Pilates is one of those careers this can be a great option. You can set your own schedule on when you teach classes or take on clients. Depending on where you teach you just let that be known when you get hired.

  2. You want to help people feel good and love working with people- Pilates is a full body exercise that has helped many with injuries, pains and of course gives some stress relief for the client. If you really enjoy people and if you know Pilates has helped you maybe with an injury or pain or stress then, of course, why wouldn’t you want to give that to others.

  3. You love to continue learning and are curious- One of my Mentors told me as I was going through Teacher Training to think of a big huge iceberg floating in the ocean. Visualize that little small portion that is under the water, that is what you are learning in the Teacher Training course. That big huge, massive portion that is above the water? That is everything else there is to learn, absorb and find in your Pilates journey after your Training. You will never know everything, every person's body is different that you teach. If you love to learn, study, and discover then Pilates teaching is for you! There are many teachers who come through my Mentorship Program as we are all always continuing to learn!

  4. A career you can do no matter how old you are! Teaching Pilates is not just for young people! There is no “you are done by 50 or 65” when it comes to teaching Pilates. In fact the longer you teach the more experience you have and you are looked at as an expert, a mentor, someone who others want to learn from as you. In the same regard, you can also start your career in Pilates when you are older, kids out of the house and now time to do “you”. There is no age limit either way for teaching or “retiring”.

  5. You have a direct and immediate impact on someone’s life- The moment you get that client and help them begin their Pilates practice you will see how in that hour you are giving them something immediately. They will feel challenged, less stressed, maybe less pain, move better, breathe deeper. They will leave that hour with you each time feeling better than when they walked in that door. That is a very powerful gift as a Teacher don’t you think?

So, I could just go on and on with more Reasons to be a Pilates Teacher but, those are my top 5 for becoming a Pilates Teacher!  If you asked me did I realize what I was getting into when I started this journey I would say “not a clue”. Yet, to see the impact and the relationships created by teaching, to continue to learn not only for me as a student but, to learn from my clients, my Teacher Training students and my Mentorship students is more than I could have imagined! You can start that journey by CLICKING HERE for more info on my Teacher Training Program.


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